About OIC of South Florida

OIC of South Florida (OIC-SFL) is a beacon of hope through its ability to serve as a community-based workforce, job development, and training organization.

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Helping Phenomenal Women Rise Strong

Inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” poem

OIC of South Florida (OIC-SFL) is in agreement with  New York Times bestseller Brené Brown – “having the ability to reset transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead!”

OIC-SFL is elated to have assisted 25 economically disadvantaged women “reset” their career pathways with vocational skills training and a variety of support services, including facilitated group discussions on  Rising Strong (written by Brené Brown). Our program participants  reckoned  with their emotions and got curious about what they are feeling. They  rumbled  with their personal stories until they got to a place of truth, and began to take steps toward life changes until it started to revolutionize  their lives.

Thanks to our dedicated staff, life-support providers, guest speakers, and The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, we celebrated the achievements and success of our first Women Workforce Empowerment graduating class on May 23, 2019. The Women Workforce Empowerment Program is designed to meet the needs of career-inspired, unemployed or underemployed women who want to further their careers and break the chains of generational poverty .

Novera Parker-Gordon is Rising Strong, Too!

View Her Journey

Introduced to OIC

Trained by OIC

Hired by OIC
