Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

About This Program
OIC of South Florida’s Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) program, also known as PUSH Through Project (Prevention, Unity, Safety, and Healing), serves 1,375 high-risk youth (ages 10-22) throughout Broward County. SRAE offers student enrichment opportunities “inside” and “outside” of the classroom. We provide youth with structured environments aimed at increasing their academic proficiency, emotional and social development, decision-making skills, and family strengthening. OIC-SFL administers the program using two (2) evidence-based curricula: Love Notes v2.0 and Relationship Smarts Plus. The core of our programs is to prepare tomorrow’s leaders for career readiness. SRAE/PUSH equips them with the essential tools to develop healthy relationships, set and pursue goals, and make healthy choices. The PUSH Through Project supports our effort to address the vicious cycles of poverty. Funded by Administration for Children and Families-FYSB.
The PUSH Through Project offers a holistic approach for our youth and families to include the following components:
- Individual Case Management
- Healthy Relationship Coaching
- Career Preparedness and Internships
- Youth Leadership Council

Must be a student of a selected Broward County public, private or alternative school enrolled in an OIC of South Florida Youth & Family Services program.
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education seeks to educate youth on how to refrain from extra-marital sexual activity and prevent other youth risk behaviors, Promoting Positive Youth Development. OIC of South Florida is committed to providing quality programming. The Youth & Family Services division infuses the All A’s model into our programming to help youth develop the core values and associated practices that enable them to succeed not only in the workplace but in any venture in life. This model provides students with career assessments, counseling, teamwork, and personal and emotional leadership development.
All A’s Model
Awareness, Access, Action, Achievement
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.