Warehouse Logistics

About This Program
The Warehouse Logistics program utilizes daily lessons and educational activities designed to teach students how to manage and coordinate the logistical functions in an enterprise. These functions range from acquisitions to receiving and handling, through the internal allocation of resources to operations units, and the handling and delivery of output. This course provides students with a thorough understanding of supply chain principles, customer service operations, transportation, and warehouse operations. Course instruction includes theory, hands-on practice, and intensive assessments. Upon completion of this program, students are eligible for employment placement assistance throughout the county.
The applicant must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. All applicants must show proof of age and citizenship. All applicants must provide proof of address. All applicants must take the TABE/ GAIN 4 exam (Min score of 7). All applicants must be able to read, speak and understand English sufficiently enough to converse with the general public, respond to official inquiries, and to make legible entries on reports and records.

OIC of South Florida’s Training and Education division represents the “vehicle” that keeps the Workforce Academy students realizing their career aspirations. The division ensures our suite of offerings and job placement tactics are current, practical, and customizable. This pathway to career advancement allows OIC-SFL to serve an array of unemployed and underemployed individuals within the community – meeting our clients/students at every step of the advancement ladder. Students enrolled in the Warehouse Logistics program undergo rigorous 12-week training. The program includes exploration of supply chain concepts, transportation, transportation industry needs, demand planning as it relates to supplies and inventory, inventory management, procurement, and supply management practices and procedures, warehousing, manufacturing and customer service. Students participating in this course learn how to productively market themselves in the supply chain industry to obtain ideal employment. Applied learning takes place in a classroom format so that students experience both online learnings to enhance their technology skills, as well as interactions among peers in a team-based setting. Each graduating student receives assistance from the Employment Services team in identifying job opportunities in their field of interest. This course is intended to prepare students for entry-level positions.
Warehouse Logistics
300 Hours
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.