YouthForce Program

About This Program
OIC of South Florida’s Youth FORCE (Friends, Opportunities, Resources, Counseling, and Education) program serves 75 middle school aged youth throughout Broward County annually. This after-school initiative is designed to promote friendship, provide opportunities and resources, encourage community involvement and support education. The program includes academic support, case management, career exploration, and youth development activities.
This program provides positive youth development opportunities through the promotion of supportive relationships with adults and peers, community connections, challenging and engaging activities, and learning experiences in a safe and secure environment. This year-round program provides students daily snacks and hot dinners and summer enrichment activities.
Funding by the Children’s Services Council of Broward County.
Enrichment activities include:
- Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program (TOP ©) – An evidence-based practice program that empowers teens to lead successful lives and build active communities. The program is designed to build healthy behaviors, life skills, and a sense of purpose
- Nutrition & Fitness Activities – Fitness activities provided by FLIPANY — sessions include Get Moving! Nutrition Fitness and Education delivered in a fun, effective and inclusive manner, utilizing the CATCH® curriculum
- Cultural Arts Enrichment activities – Attend cultural arts field trips to plays, libraries, museums, live musical concerts, etc. Planned activities include:
drama, art classes, dance and cardio - Career Exploration – Using OIC’s ALL A’s career development program for students’ career preparedness
Funding by the Children’s Services Council of Broward County.
- Choose Peace Stop activities – promotes character-building activities that promote non-violence interactions
- Sexual Risk Avoidance – The PUSH Through Project (Prevention, Unity, Safety and Healing) provides a holistic approach for our youth and their families to include: assessments, healthy relationship sessions, and group activities. Youth will gain the knowledge and importance of family engagement, emotional well-being, and communication
- Electronic Media Literacy – Safe use of electronic media and social networking for positive peer interactions
- 4-H Club of Broward County – Focus of horticulture, gardening, food, and nutrition
- Academic Services & Supports – Provides homework assistance and appropriate academic instruction using creative and engaging teaching strategies

Must be a student of a selected Broward County public, private or alternative school enrolled in an OIC of South Florida Youth & Family Services program.
OIC of South Florida is committed to providing quality programming. The Youth & Family Services division infuses the All A’s model into our programming to help youth develop the core values and associated practices that enable them to succeed not only in the workplace but in any venture in life. This model provides students with career assessments, counseling, teamwork, and personal and emotional leadership development.
All A’s Model
Awareness, Access, Action, Achievement
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.